Society of Hygiene and Public Health from Romania
What is SISPR?
The Society of Hygiene and Public Health from Romania (SISPR - Societatea de Igiena si Sanatate Publica din Romania) is a professional and scientific organization that brings together all professionals operating in the field of preventive medicine in order to raise the scientific and professional level of Romanian school of hygiene and public health and the continuing improvement of research and practice in all scientific branches that fall within the scope of preventive medicine.
In 1926 was founded the Society of Hygiene and Public Health. Aceasta a fost reorganizată ca secţie a Asociaţiei Medicale Române în anul 1951, iar din anul 1962 până în anul 2005, a funcţionat ca şi societate fără personalitate juridică, în cadrul Asociaţiei Medicale Române, în calitate de membru afiliat, societatea având ca publicaţie de specialitate revista intitulată Igiena . It was reorganized as a section of the Romanian Medical Association in 1951 and from 1962 until 2005 it worked as an institution without legal personality in the Romanian Medical Association, as an affiliate member. The society issued a specialized journal entitled Hygiene.
After the acquisition of legal personality in 2005, the Society of Hygiene and Public Health in Romania is continuing, in law and in fact, the legacy of the Society of Hygiene and Public Health in the Romanian Medical Association.
A few words about the SISPR's journal ...
Prof. univ. Dr. Brigitha Vlaicu
Editor in Chief of RISP
is the official journal of the Society of Hygiene and Public Health from Romania and has a constant appearance since 1950.
This journal hosts scientific publications of national importance and creates a framework raise professional and scientific level of the Romanian medical school of hygiene and public health and the continuing improvement of research and practice in all branches of science that fall within the scope of preventive medicine.
The journal promotes preventive medicine in a broader international framework, supporting research in the field by publishing original scientific articles.
The journal publishes original articles, general essays, book reviews.
Since 2004, the emergence became quarterly magazine, with dynamic activity, changing the format and compliance with new requirements of the policy that assigns each scientometric publications impact factor.
About us...
The name of our Association is "Societatea de Igiena si Sanatate Publica din Romania", according to the availability of evidence designation issued by the Ministry of Justice no. 33293/04.05.2005. 33293/04.05.2005.
SISPR includes members, associate members, supporting members, honorary members and corresponding members.
The Periodic publication of the SISPR is the Journal of Hygiene and Public Health (RISP - Revista de Igiena si Sanatate Publica) with quarterly apparition, published with the support of the Romanian Medical Association. Membrii colegiului de redacţie sunt numiţi de către Consiliul Director al SISPR.
Editorial Board members are appointed by the Board of SISPR. Publicarea articolelor în revistă se va face cu avizul ştiinţific a doi membri ai SISPR, cu experienţă în domeniu. Publication of articles in the magazine will deal with the scientific opinion of two members of SISPR with experience in the field. Condiţiile de obţinere a revistei se stabilesc de către Consiliul Director al SISPR la propunerea Colegiului de redacţie. Conditions for obtaining the magazine is determined by proposal of the SISPR's Editorial Board. SISPR poate edita şi publica şi alte materiale ştiinţifice neperiodice în vederea promovării obiectivelor sale. SISPR can edit and publish other scientific materials to promote its objectives.
The Society of Hygiene and Public Health from Romania helds every 4 years a National Congress.